
We have covered almost all the basics of writing smart contracts with sylvia. In this last chapter of the basics section, I will tell you about the ability to define interface in sylvia.


Let's say that after creating this contract we start working on another one. While planning its implementation, we notice that its functionality is just a superset of our AdminContract. We could copy all the code to our new contract, but it's creating unnecessary redundancy and would force us to maintain multiple implementations of the same functionality. It would also mean that a bunch of functionality would be crammed together. A better solution would be to divide the code into semantically compatible parts.


Sylvia has a feature to reuse already defined messages and apply them in new contracts. Clone and open sylvia repository. Go to contracts/cw1-subkeys/src/ You can notice that the impl block for the Cw1SubkeysContract is preceded by #[sv::messages(...)] attribute.

#[sv::messages(cw1 as Cw1)]
#[sv::messages(whitelist as Whitelist)]
impl Cw1SubkeysContract<'_> {

contract macro considers both interfaces marked as messages, which in our case are cw1 and whitelist. It then generates ContractQueryMsg and ContractExecMsg as such:

#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case", untagged)]
pub enum ContractQueryMsg {

impl ContractQueryMsg {
    pub fn dispatch(
        contract: &Cw1SubkeysContract,
        ctx: (cosmwasm_std::Deps, cosmwasm_std::Env),
    ) -> std::result::Result<sylvia::cw_std::Binary, ContractError> {
        const _: () = {
            let msgs: [&[&str]; 3usize] = [
        match self {
            ContractQueryMsg::Cw1(msg) => msg.dispatch(contract, ctx),
            ContractQueryMsg::Whitelist(msg) => msg.dispatch(contract, ctx),
            ContractQueryMsg::Cw1SubkeysContract(msg) => msg.dispatch(contract, ctx),

We can finally see why we need these ContractQueryMsg and ContractExecMsg next to our regular message enums. Sylvia generated three tuple variants:

  • Cw1 - which contains query msg defined in cw1;

  • Whitelist- which contains query msg defined in whitelist;

  • Cw1SubkeysContract - which contains query msg defined in our contract.

We use this wrapper to match with the proper variant and then call dispatch on this message. Sylvia also ensure that no message overlaps between interfaces and contract so that contracts API won't break.

Declaring interface

How are the interface messages implemented? Cw1SubkeysContract is an excellent example because it presents two situations:

  • Cw1 - declares a set of functionality that should be supported in implementing this interface contract and forces the user to define behavior for them;
  • Whitelist - same as above, but being primarily implemented for the Cw1Whitelist contract, it has already implementation defined.

For the latter one, we can either implement it ourselves or reuse it as it was done in contract/cw1-subkeys/src/ As you can see, we only call a method on whitelist forwarding the arguments passed to the contract. To see the implementation, you can go to contract/cw1-whitelist/src/ The interface has to be defined as a trait with a call to macro interface. Interface macro supports execute, query and sudo messages. In this case, it is right away implemented on the Cw1Whitelist contract, and this implementation is being reused in contract/cw1-subkeys/src/

You should also separate the functionalities of your contract in some sets. It is the case of Cw1. It is created as a separate crate and reused in both Cw1WhitelistContract and Cw1SubkeysContract. You can check the implementation in contracts/cw1-subkeys/src/ For interface declaration itself, take a look at contracts/cw1/src/


We now have enough background to create an interface ourselves. Let's say we started working on some other contract and found out that we would like to restrict access to modify the state of the contract. We will create a new Whitelist interface which only responsibility will be managing a list of admins. Usually I would suggest switching from a single crate to a workspace repository, but to simplify this example, I will keep working on a single crate repository.

We want to be able to access the list of admins via query. Let's create a new response type in src/

use cosmwasm_schema::cw_serde;
use cosmwasm_std::Addr;

pub struct CountResponse {
    pub count: u32,

pub struct AdminsResponse {
    pub admins: Vec<Addr>,

We are going to keep the admins as Addr which is a representation of a real address on the blockchain.

Now we create a new module, src/ (remember to add it to src/ as public).

use cosmwasm_std::{Response, StdError};
use sylvia::interface;
use sylvia::types::{ExecCtx, QueryCtx};

use crate::responses::AdminsResponse;

pub trait Whitelist {
    type Error: From<StdError>;

    fn add_admin(&self, ctx: ExecCtx, address: String) -> Result<Response, Self::Error>;

    fn remove_admin(&self, ctx: ExecCtx, address: String) -> Result<Response, Self::Error>;

    fn admins(&self, ctx: QueryCtx) -> Result<AdminsResponse, Self::Error>;

We annotate interfaces with interface attribute macro. It expects us to declare the associated type Error. This will help us later as otherwise we would have to either expect StdError or our custom error in the return type, but we don't know what contracts will use this interface.

Our trait defines three methods. Let's implement them on our contract.


use cosmwasm_std::{Addr, Response, StdError};
use sylvia::interface;
use sylvia::types::{ExecCtx, QueryCtx};

use crate::contract::CounterContract;
use crate::error::ContractError;
use crate::responses::AdminsResponse;

pub trait Whitelist {
    type Error: From<StdError>;

    fn add_admin(&self, ctx: ExecCtx, address: String) -> Result<Response, Self::Error>;

    fn remove_admin(&self, ctx: ExecCtx, address: String) -> Result<Response, Self::Error>;

    fn admins(&self, ctx: QueryCtx) -> Result<AdminsResponse, Self::Error>;

impl Whitelist for CounterContract {
    type Error = ContractError;

    fn add_admin(&self, ctx: ExecCtx, admin: String) -> Result<Response, Self::Error> {
        let deps = ctx.deps;
        let admin = deps.api.addr_validate(&admin)?;, admin, &())?;


    fn remove_admin(&self, ctx: ExecCtx, admin: String) -> Result<Response, Self::Error> {
        let deps = ctx.deps;
        let admin = deps.api.addr_validate(&admin)?;
        self.admins.remove(, admin);


    fn admins(&self, ctx: QueryCtx) -> Result<AdminsResponse, Self::Error> {
        let admins: Vec<Addr> = self
            .keys(, None, None, cosmwasm_std::Order::Ascending)
            .collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;

        Ok(AdminsResponse { admins })

Nothing extra here. We just implement the Whitelist trait on our CounterContract like we would implement any other trait.

The last thing we have to do is to add the messages attribute to our contract along with a new field admins:

use cosmwasm_std::{Addr, Response, StdResult};
use cw_storage_plus::{Item, Map};
use sylvia::types::{ExecCtx, InstantiateCtx, QueryCtx};
use sylvia::{contract, entry_points};

use crate::error::ContractError;
use crate::responses::CountResponse;

pub struct CounterContract {
    pub(crate) count: Item<u32>,
    pub(crate) admins: Map<Addr, ()>,

#[sv::messages(crate::whitelist as Whitelist)]
impl CounterContract {
    pub const fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            count: Item::new("count"),
            admins: Map::new("admins"),
    // [...]

   pub fn instantiate(&self, ctx: InstantiateCtx, count: u32) -> StdResult<Response> {, &count)?;

   pub fn count(&self, ctx: QueryCtx) -> StdResult<CountResponse> {
       let count = self.count.load(;
       Ok(CountResponse { count })

   pub fn increment_count(&self, ctx: ExecCtx) -> StdResult<Response> {
           .update(, |count| -> StdResult<u32> {
               Ok(count + 1)

   pub fn decrement_count(&self, ctx: ExecCtx) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
       let count = self.count.load(;
       if count == 0 {
           return Err(ContractError::CannotDecrementCount);
       }, &(count - 1))?;

Time to test if the new functionality works and is part of our contract. Here suggest splitting the tests semantically, but for simplicity of example, we will add those tests to the same test file.

use sylvia::cw_multi_test::IntoAddr;
use sylvia::multitest::App;

use crate::contract::sv::mt::{CodeId, CounterContractProxy};
use crate::error::ContractError;
use crate::whitelist::sv::mt::WhitelistProxy;

fn instantiate() {
   let app = App::default();
   let code_id = CodeId::store_code(&app);

   let owner = "owner".into_addr();

   let contract = code_id.instantiate(42).call(&owner).unwrap();

   let count = contract.count().unwrap().count;
   assert_eq!(count, 42);


   let count = contract.count().unwrap().count;
   assert_eq!(count, 43);

fn decrement_below_zero() {
   let app = App::default();
   let code_id = CodeId::store_code(&app);

   let owner = "owner".into_addr();

   let contract = code_id.instantiate(1).call(&owner).unwrap();

   let count = contract.count().unwrap().count;
   assert_eq!(count, 1);


   let count = contract.count().unwrap().count;
   assert_eq!(count, 0);

   let err = contract.decrement_count().call(&owner).unwrap_err();
   assert_eq!(err, ContractError::CannotDecrementCount);

fn manage_admins() {
    let app = App::default();
    let code_id = CodeId::store_code(&app);

    let owner = "owner".into_addr();
    let admin = "admin".into_addr();

    let contract = code_id.instantiate(1).call(&owner).unwrap();

    // Admins list is empty
    let admins = contract.admins().unwrap().admins;

    // Admin can be added

    let admins = contract.admins().unwrap().admins;
    assert_eq!(admins, vec![&admin]);

    // Admin can be removed

    let admins = contract.admins().unwrap().admins;

As in case of the contract we have to import the proxy trait in this case called WhitelistProxy. Once that's done, we can call methods from the trait directly on the contract.

We can add and remove admins. Now you can add the logic preventing users from incrementing and decrementing the count. You can extract the sender address by calling It would also be nice if the owner was an admin by default and if adding admins required the status of one.

Next step

We have learned about almost all of the sylvia features. The next chapter will be about talking to remote contracts.