Execution messages

We created instantiate and query messages. We have the state in our contract and can test it. Now let's expand our contract by adding the possibility of updating the state. In this chapter, we will add the increase_count execute message.

Add a message

Adding a new variant of ExecMsg is as simple as adding one to the QueryMsg.

use cosmwasm_std::{Response, StdResult};
use cw_storage_plus::Item;
use sylvia::types::{ExecCtx, InstantiateCtx, QueryCtx};
use sylvia::{contract, entry_points};

use crate::responses::CountResponse;

pub struct CounterContract {
    pub(crate) count: Item<u32>,

impl CounterContract {
    pub const fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            count: Item::new("count"),

    pub fn instantiate(&self, ctx: InstantiateCtx, count: u32) -> StdResult<Response> {
        self.count.save(ctx.deps.storage, &count)?;

    pub fn count(&self, ctx: QueryCtx) -> StdResult<CountResponse> {
        let count = self.count.load(ctx.deps.storage)?;
        Ok(CountResponse { count })

    pub fn increment_count(&self, ctx: ExecCtx, ) -> StdResult<Response> {
            .update(ctx.deps.storage, |count| -> StdResult<u32> {
                Ok(count + 1)

We will add the #[sv::msg(exec)] attribute and make it accept ExecCtx parameter. It will return StdResult<Response>, similiar to the instantiate method. Inside we call update to increment the count state. Like that new variant for the ExecMsg is created, execute entry point properly dispatches a message to this method and our multitest helpers are updated and ready to use.

Again I encourage you to expand the macro and inspect all three things mentioned above.


Our contract has a new variant for the ExecMsg. Let's check if it works properly.

use sylvia::cw_multi_test::IntoAddr;
use sylvia::multitest::App;

use crate::contract::sv::mt::{CodeId, CounterContractProxy};

fn instantiate() {
    let app = App::default();
    let code_id = CodeId::store_code(&app);

    let owner = "owner".into_addr();

    let contract = code_id.instantiate(42).call(&owner).unwrap();

    let count = contract.count().unwrap().count;
    assert_eq!(count, 42);


    let count = contract.count().unwrap().count;
    assert_eq!(count, 43);

As in the case of query we can call increment_count directly on our proxy contract. Same as in the case of instantiate we have to pass the caller here. We could also send funds here using with_funds method.

Next step

I encourage you to add a new ExecMsg variant by yourself. It could be called set_count. Test it and see how easy it is to add new message variants even without the guide.