Entry points

Typical Rust application starts with the fn main() function called by the operating system. Smart contracts are not significantly different. When the message is sent to the contract, a function called "entry point" is executed. Unlike native applications, which have only a single main entry point, smart contracts have a couple of them, each corresponding to different message type: instantiate, execute, query, sudo, migrate and more.

To start, we will go with three basic entry points:

  • instantiate is called once per smart contract lifetime; you can think about it as a constructor or initializer of a contract.
  • execute for handling messages which can modify contract state; they are used to perform some actual actions.
  • query for handling messages requesting some information from a contract; unlike execute, they can never alter any contract state, and are used in a similar manner to database queries.

Generate entry points

Sylvia provides an attribute macro named entry_points. In most cases, your entry point will just dispatch received messages to the handler, so it's not necessary to manually create them, and we can rely on a macro to do that for us.

Let's add the entry_points attribute macro to our contract:

use cosmwasm_std::{Response, StdResult}; use sylvia::types::InstantiateCtx; use sylvia::{contract, entry_points}; pub struct CounterContract; #[entry_points] #[contract] impl CounterContract { pub const fn new() -> Self { Self } #[sv::msg(instantiate)] pub fn instantiate(&self, _ctx: InstantiateCtx) -> StdResult<Response> { Ok(Response::default()) } }

Note that #[entry_points] is added above the #[contract]. It is because #[contract] removes attributes like #[sv::msg(...)] on which both these macros rely.

Always remember to place #[entry_points] first.

Sylvia generates entry points with #[entry_point] attribute macro. Its purpose is to wrap the whole entry point to the form the Wasm runtime understands. The proper Wasm entry points can use only basic types supported natively by Wasm specification, and Rust structures and enums are not in this set. Working with such entry points would be overcomplicated, so CosmWasm creators delivered the entry_point macro. It creates the raw Wasm entry point, calling the decorated function internally and doing all the magic required to build our high-level Rust arguments from arguments passed by Wasm runtime.

Now, when our contract has a proper entry point, let's build it and check if it's correctly defined:

contract $ cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --lib Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.03s contract $ cosmwasm-check target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/contract.wasm Available capabilities: {"stargate", "cosmwasm_1_3", "cosmwasm_1_1", "cosmwasm_1_2", "staking", "iterator"} target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/contract.wasm: pass All contracts (1) passed checks!

Next step

Well done! We have now a proper CosmWasm contract. Let's add some state to it, so it will actually be able to do something.