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Setup of CosmWasmSigningClient

Setup functions

CosmWasmJS is not only a wrapper around CosmJS, but also brings some preconfigured functions to simplify the setup of SigningClient.

Basically there are currently 4 different setup functions:

Function Description
setupWebKeplr Probably the most frequently used feature in web-based dApps. Returns a client after the user has verified himself in Keplr. Throws a console error if Keplr is not installed in the browser.
setupWebLedger This function is used to log in to web-based dApps with a ledger. (Without Keplr)
setupNodeLocal Herewith a local mnemonic can be used for signing.
setupNodeLedger With the help of this function, a ledger device can be used in a node environment.
setupCosmostation This function is used to log in to dApps with Cosmostation.


All the above functions initially share the following configuration interface:

// Configs
const config = {
  chainId: "cliffnet-1",
  rpcEndpoint: "",
  prefix: "wasm",


Setup Web/Keplr

To get a CosmWasmSigningClient with Keplr, you don’t need additional params.

import { setupWebKeplr } from "cosmwasm";

// Configs
const config = {
  chainId: "cliffnet-1",
  rpcEndpoint: "",
  prefix: "wasm",

async function getClient() {
  return await setupWebKeplr(config);

Setup Web/Ledger

To work with a ledger, the following additional NPM package must be installed: @ledgerhq/hw-transport-webusb .

import { setupWebLedger } from "cosmwasm";
import TransportWebUSB from "@ledgerhq/hw-transport-webusb";

// Configs
const config = {
  chainId: "cliffnet-1",
  rpcEndpoint: "",
  prefix: "wasm",

async function getClient() {
  return await setupWebLedger(config, TransportWebUSB);

Setup Node/Local

To work with a local mnemonic, it must be provided:

import { setupNodeLocal } from "cosmwasm";

// Configs
const config = {
  chainId: "cliffnet-1",
  rpcEndpoint: "",
  prefix: "wasm",

const mnemonic =
  "lazy year exact gap stem search zero endless question since frost away gaze bike destroy";

async function getClient() {
  return await setupWebKeplr(config, mnemonic);

Setup Node/Ledger

To work with a ledger, the following additional NPM package must be installed: @ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid

import { setupWebLedger } from "cosmwasm";
import TransportNodeHid from "@ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid";

// Configs
const config = {
  chainId: "cliffnet-1",
  rpcEndpoint: "",
  prefix: "wasm",

async function getClient() {
  return await setupWebLedger(config, TransportNodeHid);

Setup Web/Cosmostation

import { setupCosmostation } from "cosmwasm";

const config = {
  chainId: "cliffnet-1",
  rpcEndpoint: "",
  prefix: "wasm",

async function main() {
  const client = await setupCosmostation(config);
